as cell was runing through the roads and forests he was getting a massive croup of pl readings that looked like humans.he continued running until he found the spot were the bases of the readings were comeing was a county fair.there were children plaaying grown ups courting and there were even wrestlers fighting for the crowd."hmmm ill go for the big ones first"cell thought as he leaped down toward them.cell jumped into the rings of wrestlers and began breaking there body parts so badly you could hear the snaps and cracks of back bones,arms,legs, even ribs. after he was done festing on them he began going after the regular civilians.after a matter of minutes this town had meet the fate of the others abandoned and full of death.after he had rested after his moved on toward the next preying site.
Well 800k is a bit too much for that, as it would almost double your power level. You have to start low and work your way up. And you only absorbed humans, who are not exactly the most powerful warriors >_>. I'll give you 200,000.
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