Post by kenshi on Jan 26, 2006 16:55:41 GMT -5
I have one question about the saiyan changes. lets say my guy changes into a SSJ1 he would just be getting weaker because my PL when I am normal is higher than my PL when I'm saiyan. Shouldn't the PL go towards you saiyan PL instead of your normal?
Post by Kazuma on Jan 26, 2006 17:02:12 GMT -5
No. if your pl was 100,000,000, your ssj would be 1,2000,000,000. if your pl was 1,000,000, your ssj would be 12,000,000.
Post by tc2425 on Jan 26, 2006 17:03:15 GMT -5
Its like this. SSJ multiples your current pl by 12, regardless. If your pl is 6 then your ssj pl is 72. If its 12, then ssj is 144. Its based off yor starting pl. Do the math. My LSSJ is a x40 boost. Go ahead and do the math. You can't train ssj to be stronger, you train yourself, and it reflects into your SSJ powers. The stronger your base pl is, the stronger your SSJ will be. Get it? Hope this helps. -Aki
Post by kenshi on Jan 26, 2006 17:50:43 GMT -5
Ok but before my normal PL was 2,220,000 and my saiyan PL was 132,000,000
Post by Kazuma on Jan 26, 2006 23:13:34 GMT -5
i guess we forgot to give you an ssj pl
Post by kenshi on Jan 27, 2006 18:11:12 GMT -5
oh ok